About us

In the age of computing, 'data' is of prime importance, be it for landmasses or for the smart grid. It plays a crucial role in decision making and improves the implementation of the ideas. We provide an excellent service with UAV 'Drones' and a variety of sensors for efficient yet reliable data acquisition & processing, providing high standards analytics to gain insights into the data. Enhancing the quality of decision making and implementation of the project on the field.

In the extremely competitive world of today, you need to form strategic alliances that can offer you business gains. This is where LidarTech comes in. With our years of industry experience and a skilled, dedicated task force, we can bring a positive change that will boost your business and take it to new horizons.

With our myriad services that are cost-effective and of the highest quality, we make sure to meet your every requirement for analytics. We provide a combined platform of consultancy, data acquisition & processing for industries ranging from land survey & mapping, solar PV plant survey, power transmission & distribution lines, wind turbines, roads & railways, construction engineering, industrial inspections, slum mapping to IT services using drones.

In short, one can say, 'Lidar Tech Private Limited' is the perfect amalgamation of converting captured on-field details on to computer screens, giving power and access to our clients to look forward to potential development.